A. Definition
Institution in the dictionary of Indonesian
Dalam literatur NewInstitutional Economics (North : 1990 :1),
institutions are defined as rules (rules of the game) in the society, or more
formally, is a tool used by humans as a limitation in the interaction between
fellow human beings. This limitation can be either formal rules (system
contract, statute, law, regulation) and informal rules (conventions, beliefs
and social norms and culture) and rule enforcement (enforcement) which
facilitate or shape the behavior (behavior) of individuals or organizations in
the community (H. Melayu, 2005).
- Organization; institutions: has been compiled - the customs, habits, and rules (source: kbbi3).
- Something institutionalized by law, custom or habit (such as clubs, associations, social organizations, and custom-bi berhalal pd days Lebaran); (source: kbbi3).
- Building the site of the club or organization's activities (source: kbbi3). Sumber : http://www.kamusbesar.com/15271/institusi
- Zucker 1977:728) : a rule-like, social fact quality of an organized pattern of action (exterior) and an embedding in formal structures, such as formal aspects of organizations that are not tied to particular actors or situations (nonpersonall objective).
- Horton dan Hunt (1984: 211), institutation is not a building, not a collection of a bunch of people, and not an organization. Institutations is a system of norms to achieve a goal or activity that is deemed important by the community or formally, a set of habits and behavior patterns which revolve around a basic human activity. In other words, the institution is structured (composed) to carry out certain activities.
- Robert Mac Iver dan C.H. Page : social institution is a procedure or procedures which have been created to manage relationships between people who are members of a community group.
- Leopold Von Weise dan Becker : Social institutions are networks of human relationships and processes between groups that serve to maintain the relationship with the patterns to suit individual interests and group interests.
- Soerjono Soekanto, Pranata social is the set of norms that range from all levels on a basic need in people's lives.
- Maijor Polak JBAF. (1979), stating that the institute or social Intitution, is a complex or system of rules and customs that sustain the values that are important.
- W. Hamilton, that the agency is a group of life ordinances, which if violated will be subject to various degrees of sanctions.
- Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat : Social institution is a set of norms that organize a series of special-purpose yangberpola action man in social life.
- Bruce J. Cohen (1992) : Social institution is a system of social patterns are relatively compact and are permanent and contains certain behaviors robust and integrated by the satisfaction and fulfillment of human needs.
- An institution is any structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals within a given human community. Institutions are identified with a social purpose and permanence, transcending individual human lives and intentions, and with the making and enforcing of rules governing cooperative human behavior. (http://id.shvoong.com/social-sciences/sociology/2200848-pengertian-nstitusi/#ixzz2UbEicrHx).
- Ruttan dan Hayami, (1984), rules in a community group or organization that facilitates coordination among its members to help them with hope where everyone can work together or connected with each other to achieve common goals desired.
- Rules and guidelines used as a guide by the members of a community group to organize a mutually binding relationship or mutually dependent on each other. Structuring institutions (institutional arrangements) can be determined by several elements: operational rules for the regulation of resource utilization, collective rules to determine, enforce the law or the rules themselves and to change the rules of the operational and organizational authority to regulate relations (Ostrom, 1985; 1986).
- A set of constraints or controlling factor governing the behavioral relationships between members or between groups. By this definition most organizations because organizations generally are institutions generally have laws that regulate the relationship between members maupuna with others outside the organization (Nabli dan Nugent, 1989).
- Includes structuring institutions (institutional arrangement) to integrate organizations and institutions. Institutional arrangement is an arrangement of the relationship between economic units that govern the way these units can work together and whether or compete. In this approach the organization is a question about the actor or actors in the economy where there is a contract or committed transactions, and contracts the main purpose is to reduce transaction costs (Williamson, 1985).
- Alvin L. Bertrand (1980) explains that social institutions are essentially a collection of norms (social structures) that was created to carry out a public function. Institutions related to human needs in the community setting is generally referred to by social institutions.
- Institution is a subject of continuing debate among social scientist. The institution and organixation terms are commonly used interchangeably and this contributes to confusion ambiguityand” (Norman Uphoff, 1986: 8).
From the various definitions above my definition institution:
Institusion is a planned convention activities available in
the community or group of people with a wide inter-relationships that can take
the form of written rules (constitutions, laws applicable, sanctioned in
accordance with the relevant laws), and is not written (customary law, the
prevailing custom, the penalty is sanctioned social / moral, suppose ostracized
or economic besifat eg fines) and shaped symbols that are binding people in it
can be formal and informal. The Convention contains a sanction if violated,
related to basic human needs in social life as well as having certain
characteristics, namely values, rules, and goals in general are social, which
is usually to improve welfare
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