Sunday, August 17, 2014

Remote Sensing and Geography Information System for Watershed and Coastal Management

1.      Electromagnetic energy is a major component of most remote sensing systems for environmental, namely as a medium for the transmission of information from the target to the sensor. Electromagnetic energy travels in waves with some characters that can be measured, namely: wavelength / wavelength, frequency, amplitude / amplitude, speed. Wave amplitude is high, while the wavelength is the distance between the two peaks.
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the continuous range of electromagnetic radiation, extending from gamma rays (highest frequency & shortest wavelength) to radio waves (lowest frequency & longest wavelength) and including visible light. The EM spectrum can be divided into seven different regions - gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwaves and radio waves (Robert Sanderson)

Figure 1. electromagnetic (EM) energy

Frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in one unit of time. The frequency depends on the speed of the wave climbed. Because of the speed of electromagnetic energy is constant (speed of light), wavelength and frequency is inversely proportional. The longer a wave, the lower the frequency, the shorter the wave and the higher the frequency. Wavelength of electromagnetic energy figure 2:

Figure 2 : Elektromagnetic energy

Electromagnetic energy radiates in accordance with the basic wave theory. This theory describes the EM energy as travelling in a harmonic sinusoidal fashion at the velocity of light. Although many characteristics of EM energy are easily described by wave theory, another theory known as particle theory offers insight into how electromagnetic energy interacts with matter. It suggests that EMR is composed of many discrete units called photons/quanta (Shefali Aggarwal).
Electromagnetic energy emitted, or released, by all the time in the universe in which different levels. Higher levels of energy in an energy source, the lower the wavelength of the energy produced, and the higher the frequency. Differences in the characteristics of the wave energy is used to classify electromagnetic energy.

a.       Temperature : the origin of all energy (electromagnetic energy or radiant energy) begins with the vibration of subatomic particles called photos (figure 3). All objects at a temperature above absolute zero vibrate and therefore emit some form of electromagnetic energy. Temperature is a measurement of this vibrational energy emmited from an object. Humans are sensitive to sensation of heat. A “hot” object emits relatively large amounts of energy. Conversely: “cold” object emits relatively little energy.

Figure 3. As an electron jumps from a higher to lower energy level, shown in top figure, a photon of energy is released. The absoption of photon energy by an atom allows electrons to jump from a lower to a higher energy state (Departement of the Army).
b.      Scattering :
Scattering is the redirection of EMR by particles suspended in the atmosphere or by large molecules of atmospheric gases. Scattering not only reduces the image contrast but also changes the spectral signature of ground objects as seen by the sensor. The amount of scattering depends upon the size of the particles, their abundance, the wavelength of radiation, depth of the atmosphere through which the energy is traveling and the concentration of the particles. The concentration of particulate matter varies both in time and over season. Thus the effects of scattering will be uneven spatially and will vary from time to time or Particles or gas molecules in the atmosphere that interact with light large size and cause changes in the direction of the light.
Theoretically scattering can be divided into three categories depending upon the wavelength of radiation being scattered and the size of the particles causing the scattering. The three different types of scattering from particles of different sizes are summarized below:

      Tabel 1. Type scattering (Shefali Aggarwal)

c.       Atmospheric Windows :
Atmospheric Windows  an areas that are not affected by the absorption of atmosphere is up, so it's handy for Remote Sensing. The general atmospheric transmittance across the whole spectrum  of  wavelengths is shown in Figure 6. The atmosphere electively transmits energy of certain wavelengths. The spectral bands for which the atmosphere is relatively transparent are known as atmospheric windows. Atmospheric windows are present in the visible part (.4 μm - .76 μm) and the infrared regions of the EM  spectrum. In the visible part transmission is mainly effected by ozone absorption and by molecular scattering. The atmosphere is transparent again beyond about λ= 1mm, the region used for microwave remote sensing.
2.      Characteristics Visible, Infrared, Microwave against The Earth Objects in the Wavelength :
a.       Visible
The position of the electromagnetic spectrum visible light is in the middle. This type of energy can be detected by the human eye, film and electronic detectors. Wavelengths ranging from 0.4 to 0.7 lm. Different wavelengths in the range detected by the human eye and brain translate into color. Below is an example of a composite of Landsat 7. Examples can be seen in figure 4:

                              Figure 4. Citra landsat komposit

Landsat provides a relatively economical way of obtaining sequential data at a scale and in a format that is appropriate for monitoring global vegetation, using computer-aided analysis (R. M. Hoffer). However, scanner systems operating in the optical wavelengths cannot obtain data in areaswhere there is persistent heavy cloud cover, whereas radar can. The capability of radar to provide data related to plant physiognomy otTers a potential for differentiating among vegetative cover types and sizesthat cannotbe distinguished through the use of spectral data alone. The advantages of photographic data are that they provide a degree of detail that cannot be obtained by the other types of sensors. Thus, each type of sensor provides the capability of obtaining data that cannot be obtained in any other way.
The type and degree of detail of the information needed must be carefully defined, after which the various sensor systems can be matched to the information required. Different analysis techniques must be utilized, depending on the sensor system involved, the scale of imagery obtained, and the degree of detail required. Both manual and computer-aided analysis techniques have distinct advantages and limitations that must be recognized in order to achieve
maximum efficiency.
When one considers the various types of sensor systems and analysis techniques available, it is apparent that remote sensing technology offers a powerful and relatively economical tool for assessing the extent, characteristics and condition of the vegetation resources of the world.

b.      Infrared
Infrared is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter than microwave radiation. Infrared radiation (IR) can be emitted from an object or reflected from a surface. Infrared emission detected as heat energy and is called thermal infrared. The reflected energy is almost the same as the beam energy is called the reflected visible and near IR or IR because of its position on the electromagnetic spectrum near visible light.
Which covers the wavelength range from approximately 0.7 µm to 100 µm - more than 100 times as wide as the visible portion. The infrared region can be divided into two categories based on their radiation properties - the reflected IR, and the emitted or thermal IR. Radiation in the reflected IR region is used for remote sensing purposes in ways very similar to radiation in the visible portion. The reflected IR covers wavelengths from approximately 0.7 µm to 3.0 µm. The thermal IR region is quite different than the visible and reflected IR portions, as this energy is essentially the radiation that is emitted from the Earth's surface in the form of heat. The thermal IR covers wavelengths from approximately 3.0 µm to 100 µm.

figure 5. infrared radiation

        For remote sensing applications for environmental use Landsat imagery, IR Reflected in band 4 (near IR), band 5.7 (Mid IR) and thermal IR band 6, a key characteristic for image interpretation. For example, the following figure shows the global sea surface temperature (with thermal IR) and the distribution of vegetation (with near IR). Infrared figure 6:

Figure 6. Infrared (IR)

c.       Microwave
Microwave  remote sensing, using microwave radiation using wavelengths from about one centimeter to a few tens on centimeters enables observation in all weather conditions without any restriction by cloud or rain. This is an advantage that is not possible with the visible and/or infrares remote sensing. In adition, microwave remote sensing provides uniqe information on for example, sea wind and wave direction, which are derived from frequency characteristics, Dopler effect, polarization, back scattering etc. that cannot be observed by visible and infrared sensors. Howeve, the need for sophisticated data analysis in the disadvantage in using microwave remote sensing.
Wavelength of microwave radiation ranges from 0.3-300 cm. Its use is mainly in the field of communication and information delivery through open spaces, cooking, and remote sensing systems active. In the remote sensing system is active, the microwave pulse is fired through a targeted and measured to study the reflection characteristics of the target. As an application example is the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI), which measures the microwave radiation emitted from the Earth's atmosphere to measure evaporation, water content in the cloud and rain intensity.

 References :
Departement of the Army. 2003. US Army Corps of Enginers Washington, DC 20314-1000. EM 1110-2907
Journal Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. A Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Remote sensing Tutorial. Natural Resources Canada
Robert Sanderson. Introduction to Remote Sensing. New Mexico State University
R. M. Hoffer. 1984. Chapter 5Remote Sensing to Measure the Distribution and Structure of vegetation.  Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Shefali Aggarwal. Principles of Remote Sensing. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Division Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun. Journal.

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