Sunday, August 17, 2014

Possible Marine and Terrestrial Processes that Might Influence the Coastal Features

See aerial photo above. Write short comments (2-3 paragraphs) about any possible marine and terrestrial processes that might influence the coastal features as shown in that photo (coastal area in Yogyakarta)

Answer :

Based on the image of the picture above, is the estuary of the river Bogowonto in Kulon Progo which empties on the south coast of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). This region is downstream of several major rivers flowing in the Kulon Progo it there is Progo river, Serang river, and the Bogowonto river. In the area along the coast in the form of plain iron sand deposits.
Bogowonto rivers including the River Regional Unit (RRU) Serayu Bogowonto. At the mouth of the region there are deposits of iron sand which is quite abundant existence. Materials sedimentation in the river estuary Bogowonto probably related to geological conditions Wawar upstream watershed and Bogowonto upstream watershed dominated by volcanic rock products. Old Andesite Formation and Merapi volcanic deposits known as a good carrier of iron sand around in Bantul and Kulon Progo.
Typology Coastal in Kulon Progo there is marine deposition coasts. Coast is formed by deposition of marine sediment material. Included in this category are not coastal barrier (barrier coasts), such as: barrier beaches, barrier islands, barrier spits and bays; cuspate forelands; beach plains, such as: coastal plains without a lagoon sand, and mud flats (mud flats) swamp or salt (salt marshes). This area is a landscape fluvial (river deposition process results) are dominated by alluvial plains, stretching across the southern part of the DIY that starts from Parangtritis beach to the west until the Cilacap area. The  process coastal area there are of forming terrestrial sedimentation in the form of material and coastal dynamic. such as tides, winds, waves and currents along the coast. The processes that control coastal can be clarified as follows :

River Discharge and Sedimentation
Typology on the coast Because there are two continuous processes, processes of terrestrial and marine processes of forming such a material sedimentsi lagoon and sea sand. Coast area that has a very high sedimentation rate. fraudulent rain and river discharge can affect erosion in upstream areas. This large river discharge brings large amounts of material from upstream. subsequent impact on the rate of sedimentation at the coast.
The process is influenced by the characteristics of inland coastal beaches are relatively flat and extends. The sedimentation rate is controlled by the amount of material that brought the river. Sedimentation process is rapid and continuous effect on the shape of the lagoon area. The energy of the waves of the sea were able to precipitate sedimentation of the river forming the spit.

Tidal  Wave
Ups and downs are the rise and fall of sea level (meansea level) on a regular basis, which is caused by the attractive force of the celestial bodies, especially the moon and sun on the water mass on earth. Waters south of Yogyakarta has a mixed type of tide ebb tide predominantly semidiurnal or mixed doubles leaning daily. This means that in a single day occurred 2 times and 2 times the receding tide.
Tidal power that occurred on this coast will greatly affect shoreline change, due to the influence of sea waves against sand sedimentation rate of material from the ground and there is no barrier beach on the activity of marine. The ups and downs so large would have the characteristics of a river which is perpendicular to the coast associated with the level of sedimentation and shoreline.

Sea Depth
The maximum depth of the sea on the south coast of DIY as far as 12 miles up to 500 m. The more to the south, the depth of the waters of the Indian Ocean increased gradually steeper until it reaches a depth of 4000 m (  This area is a marine trough that extends from west to east.
In this zone is a zone of tectonic plate collisions between tectonic plates of the ocean with the Asian continent. The depth of the sea in coastal areas can influence the big waves. Furthermore, on this beach include shallow coastal sea water so the waves are relatively large. so it is very fast in coastal morpho dynamics Samas beach. The example estuary and shoreline dynamics.

The large power wave will have an influence on the form of sediment at the mouth of the river parallel to the beach. The waves is big work on sedimentation from land and precipitate sedimentation on the beach. Butter a large labor force was also influenced by the waves of the sea breeze. In generally, the territorial waters of the South Sea of Java and particularly in the South Coast DIY, waves generated quite large and are often to be said a hightly malignant regions by causing abrasion throughout the year and any time at casualties.
The Sea South DIY wave magnitude is directly influenced by oceanographic conditions of the waters of the Indian Ocean is very broad, with the condition of strong winds blowing throughout the year. Waves or wave conditions along the southern coast of Yogyakarta relatively equally large, but tends to be higher in Gunung Kidul beach. Height and size of ocean waves, in addition influenced by oceanographic conditions of the Indian Ocean, also influenced the local coastline topography.
Large wind energy from the ocean can be a major trigger for the big wave, wave direction and the direction of the flow of sea water. Coastal sea breeze coming from the the northeast blowing from the Australian continent. The number of wind energy in the coastal region is also affected by the absence of barriers such as hills. if there is a hill as the wind energy barrier of the sea at least energy will be reduced. for example differences in Gunung Kidul area with coast coastal Kulon Progo precisely on the coast and estuaries in that region.
Wind energy can be capable of diverting the direction of ocean waves. Other influences on the beach openness violent crushing waves. This effect on the deposited sediment and influence on shoreline change and river estuaries on the move. It is possible that the energy of the ocean is greater than the energy of the land.
At this beach has a high current energy, because it is directly opposite the beach at Ocean Hinda. Currents that occur in the waters of the South Seas DIY caused by the waves come, with 2 (two) current patterns formed by currents along the coast (longshore current) and current beach (rip currents). Waves coming towards the coast can cause coastal currents (nearshore current) that affect the process of sedimentation and coastal erosion. The pattern of coastal currents is determined by the magnitude of the angle formed by the wave or waves coming towards the shore line.

Angle of the wave in the waters of the South Coast DIY approximately 110ยบ, so the more dominant form currents along the coast. Flow patterns along the coast have a major impact on the transport of sand material, sediment, and litter beaches. This condition is clearly visible along the South Beach district of Bantul and Kulon Progo. In some coastal areas such as bays and estuaries occur piling sand material, where as in other places such as the upstream river erosion and coastal erosion as rugged East Parangtritis. Sand material by future water caused by the incoming wave can be deposited on the beach.

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